Mission Statement
The Learning Center for the Deaf (LCD) is non-profit Charitable Service Organization, non sectarian, and non-governmental association established to promote, facilitate, and empower deaf men and women through education throughout Lebanon.
Motto of the LCD
"Do for others as you would like them to do for you" Matthew 7:12
Organization Chart of the LCD
Please see the following link: The Organization Chart of the LCD
Contact person
Hussein Ismail, Ed.D. Director
Legal status
Charity Registration No.: AD 89, established 2002 with the Lebanese Government
Presidential Decree No.: 15798, established 2005
License # 2/294, 2007 (the Integrated Nursery)
License # 12/354, 2011 (High School Program for the Deaf)
Board of Administration
Ms. Caroline Haykal, Chairman of the Board – (Deaf)
Ms. Najah El Hamad, Vice President – (Deaf)
Dr. Hussein Ismail, Secretary – (Deaf)
Mr. Hisham Salman, Treasurer – (Deaf)
Dr. Raed Mohsen, Member
Mrs. Charlotte Khalil, Member
Dr. Assadour Khanjian, Member