Jip & Janneke is a Montessori Oriented Nursery, which provides to young children from 1 year and a half to three years old, a rich learning environment that enhances discovery, self-learning and autonomy.
It is also a Diagnostic Integrated Nursery that facilitates the inclusion of children with hearing loss in a regular setting, allowing all the children to have a very enriching experience.
Learning takes place individually, in small groups, or in a whole group. The maximum number of children accepted in the Nursery is 21, under the leadership of 3 teachers, one assistant teacher, and a cook who assists teachers at lunch time, and who also provides children with nutritious well studied home-like meals.
For children with hearing loss and/or children with speech/communication difficulties or delay, work on communication and language is coordinated between the teachers and the speech therapists of the Early Intervention Program. Children are well exposed to three languages, English/French/Arabic, with emphasis on one language of choice for each child besides Lebanese (used with the whole group) and hearing the third language being used with friends.
In the Jip & Janneke Nursery, there is great focus on the relationship with nature. Therefore, the Nursery’s garden is an important place to help the children relate to, and learn about nature (snails, ants, birds, worms, plants, seasons, etc.).