Participants are parents, teachers of the deaf, headmistress, and interested persons

In response to the need of parents we found it essential to give courses on Sign Language so that they can also be able to communicate with their own deaf child or children. The parents are also enabled to communicate with other deaf people to learn more about their language and culture.

Courses are also given by Dr. Ismail, deaf himself, director of the LCD, at different settings (schools, universities, as well as in the LCD). Lebanese Sign Language is fortunately documented, being the first one was published in 2006. This language is also inserted into CD's and distributed to interested individuals free of charge; supported by the UNESCO in Lebanon. It was inserted during 2006 and 2007 into the Internet for all concerned to view and learned, but unfortunately it has been terminated. The authors of this first-phase book are Professor Roumanos of the St. Joseph University and Dr. Hussein Ismail, based on a three-year research and study.
Professor Roumanos and Dr. Ismail have also completed a second-phase Sign Language development, during 2009, which is the production of text books (beginner, intermediate levels, as well as a glossary). These texts give instructions on the implementation of Sign Language in educational settings and would also provide the possibility of teaching and learning Lebanese Sign Language to deaf students, their families, interpreters, or any interested individuals wishing to learn a different language of a different culture.
A third-phase of the Sign Language development of the DVD has been completed during the beginning of 2010, which is supplementary materials for further lessons and exercises to the Sign Language texts. During this phase, a group of 11 deaf adults, working in the schools for the deaf from all over Lebanon, has participated in the course of 4 months, for leadership training program. This course will enable these deaf adults to teach teachers of the deaf, parents, and those interested individuals, after learning the grammar of their own language.

Leadership training course for 11 deaf adults (part of the 3rd phase Sign Language Development)

University students also have opportunity to learn the Sign Language

Graduation of teachers of the deaf, after completing 6-months Sign Language Courses